- captions and paragraphs
- bulleted lists,
can be nested
- numbered lists,
can be nested
- definition lists (''term -- definition'')
- quotations (''"quote" -- source'' )
- inline formatting
- **strong** //emph// __underlined__ ''\'\'code\'\'''
- urls ''[link>>http://plain.at/]'' is translated to a hyperlink: [link>>http://plain.at/]\
the label '''link''' is optional
- general-purpose escaping with a backslash before the character to escape (''\\\[\]'')
- . as pseudo paragraph to force indentation levels and to prevent single lines
from becoming undesired captions (. is always a ''('para "")'' node)
- comments (hash sign in column 0) for '''# vim: ts:3''' etc
- multi-line comments with ''#=ignore'', ''#=end''
- multi-line pass-through with ''#=preserve'', ''#=end''
- horizontal rules with lines consisting of dashes only
- figures
- with syntax dependant (pluggable) formatting and
- automatic numbering and
- an optional caption
- source code, as figure with the default type
#Simple C Program
#define S "Hello, World\n"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
exit(printf(S) == strlen(S) ? 0 : 1);
- images, as figure with #type:image
#Ginko Biloba
Image taken from
Albion College, Image Gallery
Ginkgo Biloba L.
Photo by: Tamara Crupi, September 1996
URL: www.albion.edu/newplants/detail.asp?imagenumber=6