REBOL [ Author: "Viktor Pavlu" Title: "ORF Programm" Date: 20-jan-2002 Desc: "displays the tv programme for orf1 & orf2" ] sender: "orf1" datum: now/date either error? try [ view? ][ sender: trim to-string ask "sender(orf1/orf2)? " datum: trim to-string ask rejoin [ "datum(" now/date ")? " ] ] [ sender: trim to-string request-text/title/default "Sender?" "orf1" datum: trim to-string request-date ] if not-equal? sender "orf2" [ sender: "orf1" ] if equal? datum "" [ datum: to-string now/date ] set [ d m y ] parse to-string datum "-" m: to-string index? find [ "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec" ] m if equal? length? d 1 [ d: join "0" d ] if equal? length? m 1 [ m: join "0" m ] url: to-url rejoin [ "" sender "/" y m d "/" ] file: read url programm: copy [] parse file [ some [ thru {} copy zeit to {} ( append programm zeit ) thru {} thru {} copy name to {} (append programm name ) thru {} ] ] forskip programm 2 [ print rejoin [ first programm tab second programm ] ] halt